Month: July 2023

CommunityMVPPersonal Development

Callon Campbell awarded 2023-2024 Microsoft MVP in Azure

This month I received an exciting email from Microsoft that I was re-awarded for the 6th year in a row for the 2023 – 2024 Microsoft Most Valuable (MVP) award in Azure. Receiving the Microsoft MVP award is both a humbling and exciting experience. It means you’re a member of a select group of experts of just over 3,000 MVPs from around the world. Still, I like to think of it as doing something I’m passionate about with other like-minded individuals, having fun and always having something new to learn and share with the community.

The Microsoft MVP Award is an annual award that recognizes exceptional technology community leaders worldwide who actively share their high-quality, real-world expertise with users and Microsoft. All of us at Microsoft recognize and appreciate Callon’s extraordinary contributions and want to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with you.” – The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) Award Team Microsoft Corporation

If you’re interested in learning about the Microsoft MVP program and seeing what it takes to become a Microsoft MVP, or how to get awarded, I encourage you to take a look at the Microsoft MVP website and also the following article on “How to become a Microsoft MVP” where they explain some of the details of the program.

To wrap up this post I would like to congratulate all the other newly awarded or renewed Microsoft MVPs all over the world! You truly are an amazing community and I’m truly humbled and honoured to be part of this group.



Microsoft MVP Award

How to become a Microsoft MVP

Callon Campbell MVP Profile